Choose Your Foods Wisely for They Impact How You Feel

There are many choices of healthy food available, so why not focus on improving your well-being today. Making choices to feel good each day is simple enough to do. Start now by making the decision that your health is of the utmost importance and that you matter. You can begin the process by deciding you will eat healthier foods giving your body nutritional benefits that it deserves, so you will feel better.

Start with drinking plenty of water. A quick rule of thumb is to drink 1⁄2 of your body weight in ounces. The benefits are cumulative, since water helps detoxify the body, increases your metabolism and improves your digestive function. Create a habit of starting your day by drinking 8 ounces the moment you wake up.

No single food, vitamin or supplement that you take will provide everything you need, however choosing healthy foods and drinking plenty of water is a start that can make a huge impact on how you feel each day.

Start somewhere, take a small step to develop healthier eating habits. Think about making a few changes in what you eat that can help can fuel and benefit your body.

Some of my favorite healthy foods that you might like are  :

Almonds, walnuts, yogurt, bananas, tangerines, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, apples, cherries, grapes, pineapple, cucumbers and eating more chicken and fish instead of meat each day.

Below are 10 of the best foods by Natalie to incorporate into life style of eating. Choose from the below list what you enjoy and eat them as regularly as you incorporate them within your everyday eating.  


Top 10 Best Foods – Nutrition by Natalie


1. Eggs – They are complete proteins that are loaded with nutrients. Eggs are the same amount of protein as if you eat beef or chicken.  Many do not eat the yolk but the yolk is loaded with vitamins A, D, and E.

2. Ferment Beverages- Kefir is a drink which has live healthy bacteria. Also fermented is Kombucha- a clear liquid flavored with sometimes fruit or herbs and has healthy bacteria like yogurt.

3. Goats milk is healthy for you, less lactose and better than cows milk, It’s easier to digest.

4. Smart water is a quality source of water with lots of electrolytes. When its very hot,  outside and you sweat, you lose electrolytes which are needed to keep you are in balance.

5. Almonds and walnuts are good with breakfast foods, protect against heart diseases,   and they are a good plant source of proteins and good fats

6. Extra virgin oils have no chemical processes to extract oil. Coconut and olive are the best choices of oil. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and vitamin e which is good for skin. Coconut oil supports normal brain function in infants and supports metabolism and thyroid function.

7. Alaska caught or wild salmon –farm raised animals and farm raised fish promotes inflammation. High protein lots of vitamins and minerals. Good to put on salad one to two times a week

8. Leafy greens include spinach and kale lightly steam, or lightly cook or eat raw. A C E K, folic acid, magnesium and packed with nutrients. Eat leafy greens 2-3 servings a day. They lower inflammation and reduce risk for heart disease.  Don’t overcook spinach or kale as it causes the nutrients to break apart. Did you know there are no nutrients in iceberg lettuce?

9. Quinoa bread is from Peru and is considered a complete protein. Technically used a as a grain in place of rice, or in place of oatmeal as a breakfast.   Easy to cook, and has lots of nutrients and is high in protein. Its is a breakfast item instead of cereal

10. Ezeko bread – Sprouted grain bread it contains no flour and is gluten free. The brand is called good for Life.  There are including, tons of products, that are easy to digest. The raw grains are soaked on water and baked… It is very filling, rich with fiber and makes you full and lasts a long time. Packed with nutrients and can be found in a health food store.

I hope using these tips by Natalie will help you become aware and assist you to make better choices with your food selection.



Start now take a small step to develop healthier eating habits. If you eat better then you will feel better. Start now, Choose from this list what you enjoy and eat them as regularly as you incorporate them within your everyday eating.

Getting healthy is a choice. Kindness to you is a rare gift of the heart. You are important and you matter! 

If you like this article, then you will love this!  Click Here: 

for 10 Simply Easy Healthy Weight Loss tips that I used to begin my weight loss journey losing over 70 pounds.


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Bonnie S. Gortler
Bonnie Gortler, Consultant, Coach, and Author specializing in Wealth and Well-Being, is a successful stock market expert who has been instrumental in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios within a top-rated investment firm during her over 35-year corporate career. As the author of “Journey to Wealth,” Bonnie has made it her mission to share the importance of risk management and how to enjoy real financial well-being by applying the technical and mental sides of investing. Bonnie has an M.B.A. and is a certified life coach. It is through her love of coaching, consulting, blogging, and social media that she creates change in the lives of many and inspires people from around the world. Bonnie is fully committed to your personal growth and development as she shares her winning spirit and powerful techniques with you. Visit to gain tips and insights about investing, personal development, and inspiration through her articles on Wealth and Well-Being.

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