Seven Disciplines for More Confident Investing

Do you feel confident talking about money? If someone starts a conversation about money, do you find yourself backing away, wanting to leave because you don’t want to get involved in a financial discussion?  You can learn new skills and develop new habits so that your thoughts and feelings around money give you a sense of confidence and safety and a more peaceful attitude instead of worrying.

Begin your journey to wealth by changing a few habits now, and embrace new thoughts about your wealth. Are you willing to commit to what it takes to accomplish your wealth goals? It starts with changing your thoughts from what you can’t to you can. Focus on taking simple action steps so you will become clear about your financial goals.

You are capable of learning and improving your financial decisions.

When you create positive thoughts about your money, this will pave your way towards the greater wealth you want. Focus on your new thoughts, not ones from the past. It’s possible to shift your current money beliefs. The first step is awareness, and then for you to be willing to create change. With a few changes, you can experience more wealth with more confidence. Here are seven disciplines to get you started.

Seven Disciplines for More Confident Investing

  1. Develop a positive money mindset. Get in the habit of saying kind things to yourself about money. You want to be financially responsible by establishing good saving habits, watching your spending, and tracking your money monthly. The goal is to get to the point where you feel safe instead of stressed.
  2. Set personal wealth goals and daily action steps. Develop a daily routine that you commit to following. Acknowledge your biggest wins and most significant learning experiences. Daily, review your progress to keep you on track.
  3. Invest in your future. Start as early as you can, investing in the stock market even if it’s only a few dollars each month. Create a simple written plan for your finances that you update over time. Money makes money and can grow significantly over time.
  4. Take the emotion out of the trading process. Follow a system that feels good to you. Find your trading style and rules that you are willing to follow. After practice, you will gain confidence in your investing plan.
  5. Create an investing checklist for you to follow before you buy and when you will sell. You will notice that your habits will become natural and become second nature.
  6. Use a journal to write down thoughts. Review how you did each week. You will notice patterns you may need to change so that you make progress over time.
  7. Forgive yourself for past money mistakes. Stop being hard on yourself. Unexpected situations occur that can be challenging.  Focus on finding a solution.

Have a positive outlook on money. Create daily routines that give you pleasure, and make you feel good. You get to choose what will work for you each day. Make mindful decisions about your money that match your goals. Find a strategy that is simple and easy for you to follow to grow your wealth.  Set into motion a practical plan for investing now and in your future, creating a lifestyle towards the wealth you want.  Integrating these changes will help you gain confidence and success at growing your wealthIf you like this, you will love my exciting new Wealth and Well-Being Coaching Package. Save and learn more.

For a limited time, you will get three 30-minute coaching sessions plus two bonus gifts.  This package includes my Wealth Through Investing Made Simple eCourse that you can do in the comfort of your home and a PDF copy of my book “Journey to Wealth.”

You can have all of this today for only $247.

To your wealth and well-being,

Coach, Consultant, and Author

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Bonnie S. Gortler
Bonnie Gortler, Consultant, Coach, and Author specializing in Wealth and Well-Being, is a successful stock market expert who has been instrumental in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios within a top-rated investment firm during her over 35-year corporate career. As the author of “Journey to Wealth,” Bonnie has made it her mission to share the importance of risk management and how to enjoy real financial well-being by applying the technical and mental sides of investing. Bonnie has an M.B.A. and is a certified life coach. It is through her love of coaching, consulting, blogging, and social media that she creates change in the lives of many and inspires people from around the world. Bonnie is fully committed to your personal growth and development as she shares her winning spirit and powerful techniques with you. Visit to gain tips and insights about investing, personal development, and inspiration through her articles on Wealth and Well-Being.

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