Shift your Money Mindset

How much of a difference would a shift in your thinking help make this year your best financial year? Especially if you knew it would give you peace of mind regarding your money situation. Though there are many choices, one thing that will reap the most significant return is to INVEST IN YOU!

You can start your journey toward change by learning to separate fact from fiction and taking responsibility for your actions as you move away from decisions based solely on your emotions. You need to be clear-headed if you plan to seize the opportunities that unfold, and you cannot do so if you are in reaction mode. You want to be proactive. When you focus on positive thoughts and what you want, you can also create goals that inspire you to save and invest.

Open your mind and educate yourself by reading and asking questions. Your full attention is required to raise awareness and master your weak spots. This is true when it comes to finances, too. I see people make mistakes due to their need for more knowledge. You can start by reading articles from magazines, trade journals, and what may interest you online. These sources prove most helpful when you arrive at those big decisions that will impact your future.

Becoming a mathematical genius, a stock market guru, or acquiring a degree in finance is NOT necessary to become prosperous. Opportunity exists at every turn if you are prepared to take advantage of it. The journey to wealth begins with a winning mindset and an understanding that every smart decision will bring you closer to your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

Change the way you look at money and how money works in your life. If your belief system supports the idea that “there is not enough,” then you will live and experience a life of scarcity. It’s simple: start now and shift your money mindset if you want things to be different.

Believe you can do anything you set your mind to. A life free from financial worry can be yours. Decide you will take action to create the best life possible for yourself and your family. Your future is up to you. Decide what you want, don’t give up, and begin now to believe in YOU no matter the circumstances. I believe in you.

If you have questions or concerns regarding shifting your money mindset or any area of your finances, contact me at

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Bonnie S. Gortler
Bonnie Gortler, Consultant, Coach, and Author specializing in Wealth and Well-Being, is a successful stock market expert who has been instrumental in managing multi-million-dollar client portfolios within a top-rated investment firm during her over 35-year corporate career. As the author of “Journey to Wealth,” Bonnie has made it her mission to share the importance of risk management and how to enjoy real financial well-being by applying the technical and mental sides of investing. Bonnie has an M.B.A. and is a certified life coach. It is through her love of coaching, consulting, blogging, and social media that she creates change in the lives of many and inspires people from around the world. Bonnie is fully committed to your personal growth and development as she shares her winning spirit and powerful techniques with you. Visit to gain tips and insights about investing, personal development, and inspiration through her articles on Wealth and Well-Being.

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